Let’s work together on

Strategic Management


we can help

  • Does today’s environment positively or negatively influence our company?
  • What do we want to become in the long run? (Vision)
  • What is our raison d’être? (Mission)
  • How are we moving towards the vision?
  • What are we doing today to help us continue tomorrow?
  • What resources do we have to achieve what we want?
  • What is the action plan?
  • How will we execute the plan?
  • Is it okay what we’ve been doing?

Helping your business

To make the Strategic Management more effective by having a management map, in which it is possible to be tracking permanently starting from where you are and where you want to go, taking into account internal changes and in the environment at the local and global level.

Identifying the Business Strategy

It CARES. Which must be Clear-Agile-Realistic-for Everybody- and Specific among all the members of the company making it their daily task

Business Intelligence

Together we think over if the competitive advantages are in effect, or if changes are happening in your Industry or turn in terms of customers, suppliers, competitors, regulations, etc…

"Strategic direction is not a box of tricks or a set of techniques. It is an analytical thought and the commitment of resources to action. Some of the most important issues of strategic direction are not quantifiable at all."

Peter Drucker

Action plans

Steps to follow

We invite company leaders and managers to reflect on the powerful questions mentioned above. If the answers are affirmative, complete and clear, what only remains is to execute the available action plan; otherwise we help complete it.


Strategic Thinking

The Mission and Vision is defined or revised, an Internal and External audit is carried out, long-term objectives are set, the Company’s Strategy and strategic initiatives are defined.


Preparation and Execution

Taking into account the internal evaluation, the annual objectives are set, and the resources available (Human, Financial and Material) are reviewed, the necessary adjustments are made and the strategy is promoted throughout the organization to make everyone’s task.


Monitoring and Evaluation

Key performance indicators, goals, control formats are defined, recorded monthly and reviewed quarterly by analyzing the environment and making appropriate adjustments; At the end of the year, reflection is made on what was done against what was planned and the action plan for the next period is defined.

We're in this together...

“The one who plans victory at headquarters, before hostilities, is the one who has the greatest chance of success.”

Sun Tzu

360º Solutions
For your company

Let’s talk about your company’s opportunities and explore areas of improvement in a free consultation.

3DR Consulting will never sell your data or send spam.


Soluciones 360º
Para su empresa

Hablemos en una asesoría sin compromiso sobre las oportunidades de su empresa y explore sus áreas de mejora.

3DR Consulting nunca venderá sus datos ni mandará correo no deseado.
