Let’s work together on

Mergers and Acquisitions

How to Grow

we can help

To sell, evaluate the level of institutionalization in which the company is and whether you want to buy, evaluate the target company.

Helping your business

Support in the development of the process of selling or buying a company for the achievement of financial objectives based on the key areas of operations, commercial and finance.

If you want to buy

Identification of the model and key processes of the target company that allows to create the value for the buyer, either in market share, growth, profitability, diversification, etc., and establishing the concept of project for its correct execution.

If you want to sell

Company key processes are strengthened by optimizing coordinated performance, in a way that performance indicators are improved and become more attractive for the potential buyers.

"Regardless of economic conditions, mergers and acquisitions continue to be an important driver of growth, and opportunities exist in specific sectors, regions, and business types."

Merger & Acquisition Trends 2020: Deloitte

Action plans

Steps to follow

If you want to Sell:

  • Evaluate the company on institutionalization
  • Action plan to become more attractive
  • Promoting the company to potential stakeholders
  • Coordination for the execution of the process
  • Follow-up to the recommended plan

If you want to Buy:

  • Defining the scope of the project and objective
  • Explore the industry and identify potential targets
  • Participate in DD as Auditor in operations, administration
  • Coordination for process execution
  • Integration plan

We're in this together...

Decision-making for growth via Mergers and Acquisitions is a specialized process that requires a full support team to achieve the set goal.

360º Solutions
For your company

Let’s talk about your company’s opportunities and explore areas of improvement in a free consultation.

3DR Consulting will never sell your data or send spam.


Soluciones 360º
Para su empresa

Hablemos en una asesoría sin compromiso sobre las oportunidades de su empresa y explore sus áreas de mejora.

3DR Consulting nunca venderá sus datos ni mandará correo no deseado.
